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1) 의문사
2) 시제
3) 일정한 속도
4) 의문사 답변의 강세
When was the last time you had your own bicycle
and how often did you use it?
i had my own bicycle 5 years ago.
i used it almost everyday.
잘쓰이는 전치사구를 외워야 한다.
1) 빈도 : once a day, twice a week
2) 시점 : last weekend, two weeks ago
3) 장소 : at home, at school, near my office
4) 사람 : with my family, firends, coworkers.
여러 문장을 말할 필요 없이, 핵심만 말하면 된다. (양보다 질)
의문사가 하나인 경우 or why로 마치는 경우 : because로 한문장 더 말하자.
where is a popular place to ride a bicycle in your city and why?
a popular place in my city is the national lake park near my home
because the park is biggest in my city. so there is a good place to ride a bicycle
Do you think riding a bicycle is a good form of exercise? why or why not?
1) 답변순서 : 입장 - 2가지 이유 - 마무리
2) 아이디어 연습이 중요함.
3) 5대 구문 집중연습
- can V
- need to / should V
- It is 형 to V
- don`t have to V
- There are N
I think riding a bicycle is good form of exercise.
first, i can enjoy the view (while ridng a bicycle)
second, i don`t have to pay regularly
therefore i think a bicycle is good form of excercise.
Q : Which town do you live in and how long have you been living there?
A : I live in sejong and i have been living there for about 5 years
Q : Do you have a plan to move out in a near future? why or why not?
A : I have a plan to move out in a near future. because i am going to graduate my university
i am getting married soon
i am looking for a new job
Q : what are the important things you would consider when moving to a new place?
A : there are some important things i would consider when moving to a new place
(입장문장이 있는경우가 있고, 없어도 되는경우다)
first, it need to be close to a cinema
second, it should have a beautiful view
it is important things i would consider when moving to a new place.
Q : How often do you travel and what transportation do you usually use ?
A : I travel once a year and i usually use an airplane/ a flight
Q : When was the last time you used an electronic device to find a route and what did you ues?
A : the last time i used an electrinic device to find a route was 2 months ago and i used tablet PC
Q : what do you prefer to use between a paper map and an electronic device when you travel? why?
A : I prefer to use an electronic device when i travel.
first. i can pinch in the map/i can check my location easily
second, it is posible to use the latest traveling information
therefore i prefer to use an electronic device when i travel